Selasa, 22 Mei 2018

The Payera Platform Is An Easy-To-Use Online Store Platform

Hasil gambar untuk payera bounty

Although Blockchain technology has positively influenced entrepreneurs and women in areas such as extreme costs, low costs and high costs but this cryptocurrency is used as payment. The reason is because traders are not safe because of interest rates lam. Accumulated, companies are still using traditional Fiat payment systems that connect with banks and financial institutions. The truth is that buyers are now looking for which transactions with cryptocurrency provide through protected trades and if there is any problem there is a Payment Guarantee. The way out is Payera.
The PAYERA Network is a payment platform that enables businesses and shopping for customers who are safe and comfortable. Payera is a platform where digital money is purchased for fraudsters, by equipping them, complete users for all transactions, including all traditional goods and services. Platform payments and allows sellers to find the perfect solution to build on cryptocurrency and to increase their sales volume by offering the full to the market and matching money.

The payment platform is a market where owners can access online with a calm mind without worry. The Payera platform is a store platform that provides the best for customers and customers to offer new and used merchandise. The clock word of this platform is digital digital money. This platform has three business models. Namely: PAYERA which is a payment platform with the frequency and wallet of buyers and sellers, CARDERA, which is a credit card for everyday payments and finally, shopera which is an online store. This platform gives buyers the opportunity to rate the seller once the purchase is complete. The payera platform has a token called PARE. PARE is a standard ERC20 Token, Ethereum Blockchain period, PARE will be a Token on different platforms Payera. The pre-ICO platform will begin on May 30, 2018. During the 1-bit period it will be equivalent to 0.035USD. The main ICO will start on June 20, 2018. During that period, 1 pare will be equal to 0.05USD.

Hasil gambar untuk payera bounty

You can change or sell cryptocurrency as often as you like, and we do not charge exchange fees.

There is no charge for the faithful
The buyer is completely exempt from the payment.

Low salary for sellers
The seller pays a very low price, which can be further reduced by positive suggestions

Multifunctional concept

Providers that let you manage all your online transactions

- The process is free

You can send money to your friends and acquaintances.

- Security at a high level

In all our services, we are implementing the latest blockchain technology, which uses the highest level of encryption


The market for crypto currencies is the most dynamic of our time. Digital currencies use public accounting systems for file transactions. We are confident that the future of the financial system will depend on the development of Blockchain technology and community reactions. Blockchain can and will, in our view, be used to achieve the development of a strong and positive financial system. For some time, our team has worked hard in blockchain and Cryptocurrency technology.

We found, that due to strong volatility and high anonymity, people are more speculating with Cryptocurrency than using coins as currency. This is why the idea of ​​PAYERA seems to be using Cryptocurrency without worry. We will create a secure multifunction platform that will be easy to operate.

After we drafted the initial concept, we got assurance - after a short presentation - interested partners and consultants and thus we systematically built our team. In the process of optimizing our major products down to the smallest detail, something extraordinary has emerged: All-in-One-concess that enables us to operate with more flexibility in the marketplace.

Although many advantages of blockchain and crypto transaction technologies include extreme speed, low cost, and high flexibility, cryptocurrency itself is rarely used as a payment. Buyers and sellers are unsafe due to complex tariff and application issues. For this reason, companies are still using traditional Fiat payment systems associated with banks and financial institutions.

The buyer wants a security transaction with a guaranteed refund. Sellers want to increase their turnover and build themselves in the crypt scene. This is why PAYERA has set a goal to build trust between buyers and sellers.

The PAYERA structure is very similar to the most successful e-commerce company in Asia but much easier to handle. Combined with SHOP & CARDERA we offer multifunctional solutions that do not exist in the crypto market.

We will build on the best attributes, cryptocurrency must offer very fast and low cost transactions to enable sellers to market to crypto users that grow around the world. This project, with all its features and yet impressive in its simplicity, will be an extraordinary and unique product for the crypto world that can be funded through venture capital investment.

PAYERA has a vision to be the largest number of users worldwide, where crypto owners can shop online without worry. We also strive to become a global and leading global crypto platform. While PAYERA's mission is, it becomes our customer's first choice. The place, where you have to buy with crypto. We are committed to doing all our actions economically and environmentally friendly.

PAYERA offers easy multifunctional solutions for users and crypto sellers. We will create a new era at the crypto payment gate with PAY- / SHOP- and CARDERA.

ICO is a business financing method. The so-called "First Currency Offer" is partially comparable to the first edition of a commercial document. ICO may purchase tokens for projects in the Blockchain ecosystem through mass funding. Supporters and investors buy the Scion symbol and can trade for token listings obtained on different platforms.

Between 30.05.18 and 15.06.18 PRE-ICO

ICO will take place between 20.06.18 - 18.07.18.

PERA and Crowdsdale Token

  • Ticker (short name): PERA
  • Token type: ERC20 (Casper)
  • Total (total) limit: 2 100 000 000
  • Soft Cap (minimum destination): $ 8,000,000
  • Hard Cap (maximum target): $ 60,000,000
  • Presale (pre-sale): May 30, 2018 - June 15, 2018
  • Crowdsdale (sale): June 20, 2018 - July 18, 2018
  • Price token in presale: 0.035 US dollars
  • Token price in crowdsdale: 0.05 USD
  • Payment methods: ETC, BTC, LTC, DASH, BCH
  • Unsold sales token will be distributed proportionally between owners
  • Country: Singapore


Payera enables lower transaction costs to customers worldwide. Merchants have nothing to do in their pockets, so they also have the option of making a wallet. Merchants are ideal answers and legitimate opportunities that appear in crypto.

For more information:

Author : (Ar rahman)
Bitcointalk Profile :;u=1977525

MY ETH :  0x8F64467dBc48e2864c2d8E11C26df75bD0040CDD

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