Minggu, 20 Mei 2018

The First Version Of Howdoo Can Be Implemented On Ethereum

Hasil gambar untuk howdoo

Today's modern era of every person can not be separated from the name of social media, hapir every time always use social media as a tool to interact with friends or people who may be in different places. Now a lot of social media scattered that people often use in every day routine, every social media is on average less attention to important things or things that are often complained of the privacy. Social media runs through content created by content content and attracts the same interests. However, the current weakness of social media is that it has no issues with or anything that attracts advertisers. This caused less libraries that eventually fell.
Howdoo is a decentralized social platform that aims to secure data and information and provide information to users, content writers, to control all their activities and their personal information. Howdoo, telling also to create content and reveal about their efforts and motivate them by doing so. We can take advantage of using social media to give them a chance to get results from social media.

Howdoo will also change the way financial resources flow in the social media environment. The goal is to empower users with access to broad and growing digital services and services. This is done to Help the people who will start, and help them to make connections with users, at the same time, also provide a means for them to trade goods and money transfers.

Howdoo will regard it as a fundamental requirement that users will be able to interact with their wallets the same level of ease and familiarity as they do with online payments and existing money transfer systems like PayPal, Skrill, Stripe, and WePay. Over time, when people become more comfortable with dealing with cryptotoken, this requirement will become less important for user adoption. As for foreign exchange, we believe that any cryptotoken must allow activity, rather than being part of the activity itself. That is why we are determined to ensure that any value exchange feels a natural part of the overall social experience, and not a separate exercise that requires different technologies and / or currency. Placing the burden of managing tradable assets on a user will only serve to distract from this goal.

The Howdoo platform incorporates an inductive AI learning model for cognitive and behavioral analysis in its operations. This allows the AI ​​model to introduce reasons without the need to identify targets, thereby maintaining privacy throughout the network. Such algorithms as knowledge-based inductive learning (KBIL) are used to fnding inductive hypotheses on the dataset with the help of background information.


Tokens are uDoo tokens (ERC20 standards) that advertisers will buy to promote their ads, used as a reward and offer tool, create an e-shop and used to sell purchases, payments for technical services to the platform. A dedicated digital wallet will also be provided to each user of this social networking platform to keep tokens with boarding facilities to display all amounts (both in crypto currency and banknote form) and transaction history. Ethereum remains the most widely adopted blockchain platform to help wise contracts, recently limited in throughput (TPS).

Die Howdoo-Plattform bietet zusätzlich zu den obigen Vorteilen Benutzern einzigartige und nicht-traditionelle Funktionen. Zu diesen Funktionen gehört "MULTI CRYPTO WALLET". Die Howdoo-Plattform ermöglicht es Plattformbenutzern, kryptografische Wallet for Transitionen und Transaktionen wiederzuverwenden. Zweitens genießen Benutzer auf der howdoo-Plattform "MICROPAYMENTS" mit dem Tag "Tipping". Drittens bietet Howdoo dank dezentraler und sicherer Knoten "Social Games", "Unsichtbare Modi" und Live-Events. Schließlich bietet Howdoo E-Commerce sowie mehrsprachige Tools und Bestimmungen.




Für weitere Informationen:

Author: (Ar rahman) 
Bitcointalk Profile:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1977525

MY ETH:  0x8F64467dBc48e2864c2d8E11C26df75bD0040CDD

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