Minggu, 11 November 2018

RipaEx полагает, что, несмотря на недавние события в мире криптоконверсий

Ripa Exchange - это гибридный децентрализованный обмен с акцентом на снижение начального уровня открытия новых бирж и предоставление криптотрейдеров с защищенными торговыми партнерами для повседневной работы.

Несмотря на усилия менеджеров по обмену, предлагающие эффективные, надежные и простые в использовании торговые платформы, цены на вход для строительства таких платформ составляют 250-300 тыс. Евро, и это не включает расходы на персонал для обеспечения платной поддержки клиентов, инфраструктуры платформы и ежедневных бизнес-расходы. Все это для того, чтобы иметь приличную платформу обмена, для которой вам придется оплачивать внешнее программное обеспечение для внесения изменений по мере запроса.

Цель этого проекта - обеспечить открытую исходную, эффективную, надежную платформу обмена и необходимую ликвидность для вновь созданной биржи с первого дня. Это все, чтобы вы могли сосредоточиться на поиске клиентов, обеспечении платиновой поддержки и соблюдении всех основных законов в отрасли.

Команда разработчиков

Команда RipaEx полагает, что, несмотря на недавние события в мире криптоконверсий, по-прежнему дорого открывать, управлять и укреплять доверие к созданному обмену не только для того, чтобы ресурсы нуждались в надежной платформе обмена, но и для создания платформу и поиск ликвидности, необходимые для ведения прибыльного бизнеса в течение первых 5 лет работы.

Необходимы действия, и сейчас необходимо принять меры. Пользователи разочарованных ненадежными биржами, которые бегут со своими фондами. Они будут взломаны или не будут поддерживаться растущей отраслью сегодня.

Что это за решение?

Это будет новая экосистема, предназначенная для обмена криптовалютами. Для его продажи будет отличная среда. Благодаря использованию современных технологий blockchain все операции безопасны и эффективно выполняются. Еще одна заметная особенность этой системы является отсутствием сторонних и других результатов сторон. Здесь все сотрудничество будет наиболее выгодным для всех участников транзакций.

Основные характеристики проекта

Назовем Ключевые характеристики проекта:
  • Исходный код будет полностью открыт. Система будет абсолютно бесплатна для всех менеджеров. Плата будет взиматься только за сервер, а также за работу колл-центра, поддержки безопасности. Все настройки можно легко сделать непосредственно в исходном коде. Все базовые базы данных будут лицензированы. Отличное решение для запуска личного обменника. Сегодня это один из самых распространенных и самых популярных способов заработать деньги.
  • Строгий режим. При условии, что операции и транзакции будут защищены гораздо лучше, чем в разных финансовых учреждениях. Для работы использовались ключи шифрования. Весь дизайн очень прост и хорош. Пользовательский интерфейс довольно прост, и каждый может понять его без особых усилий. Всевозможные операции были выполнены, чтобы сделать это максимально комфортным и надежным для конечных пользователей.
  • Обмен для предприятий и корпораций. Возможность проведения обменов различными организациями также включает в себя очень большую функциональность и функции. Будет выполнена аутентификация с использованием SMS-сообщений.
  • Торговый интерфейс Как уже упоминалось, интерфейс будет таким же удобным и простым в использовании, поскольку он позволяет выполнять операции как можно быстрее и эффективнее. Возможность открывать и снимать депозиты, а также проверять их платежеспособность.

Функциональность проекта

Выполнение следующих функций:

1 осуществляем обмен криптовалютами.

2 объединение с наиболее важными социальными сетями.

3 для многих криптовалютных рынков.

4 соблюдение пользователей.

Варианты в ближайшем будущем:

1 расширение работы кошельков.

2 расширения функциональных и технических характеристик платформы.

3 возможность обмена регулярными деньгами за криптовалютность.

4 использование карт для работы с платформой и другими финансовыми инструментами.

  • Ripa Exchange - это централизованный обмен, который будет преобразован в гибридно-децентрализованный обмен для создания сети обменов, которые имеют одинаковую ликвидность между каждым из них. 1-го дня торгов на биржах - все это будет сделано с целью предоставления ликвидности конечным пользователям.
  • Чтобы предлагать централизованные обменные PRO-системы, такие как платиновая поддержка клиентов и обмена FIAT, со всеми децентрализованными обменными программами, такими как ликвидность, без CON и из них, вам нужно выполнить промежуточный шаг, на котором Ripa Exchange будет конвертирован в hybriddecentralized exchange и во время фазы 3 Проект (WP4-6) предоставит весь функциональный и технический анализ, необходимый для обеспечения следующего этапа на прочной основе и обеспечит открытый, безопасный и эффективный обмен с сообществом RipaEx .


Внутренний токен системы - XPX. Он используется для проведения всех транзакций и транзакций в системе. С его помощью вы легко можете оказаться на платформе. Для его развития использовались новейшие технологические решения. Планируется выпустить 115 миллионов токенов, которые скоро будут доступны для продажи. Итак, спешите схватить себя хотя бы пару.


Довольно интересное решение, которое обязательно заслуживает внимания. Это первый в своем роде обмен для продажи и обмена cryptovalues, который гарантирует так много преимуществ для конечных пользователей. С помощью этого решения каждый может создать свой местный обменник и заработать хорошие деньги. Это многообещающий и прибыльный. Вскоре, не выходя из дома, вы можете жить просто ради своего удовольствия. Для детального ознакомления с платформой. Именно там он описывает все протоколы, которые используются для управления системой. Что я могу сказать, экосистема стоит того. Вы можете инвестировать, а затем зарабатывать на этом хорошие деньги.

Веб-сайт: https://ripaex.io/

Телеграмма: https://t.me/ripaex

Jumat, 09 November 2018

Hetachain invests in businesses and people who create service products


Greetings from my dear friends. Cryptocurrency is experiencing serious redundancy and it is difficult to choose a decent project. But today my eye is drawn to the project. HetaChain will build the most complex and powerful infrastructure for distributed applications that will facilitate the real business based on blockchain technology and build the blockchain network 3.0.

Relam Investment, based in Dubai, has announced investments utilizing the hetachain Network Blockchain 3.0 technology. This hetchain project helps public services, businesses, and build banking dapps (distributed applications), robotics, Internet of Things, e-commerce, healthcare, and many others. Heta.org September 2018, The next generation of blockchain technology, the blockchain 3.0 technology, has opened.

Blockchain technology is a truly innovative innovation in the way data is created, shared and edited. Nevertheless, blockchain technology is currently facing a critical problem of its performance. For this reason, Hetachain proposed creating the latest blockchain network architecture, which is very simple and flexible for users and developers using a blockchain platform that has very high performance.

A cryptographic algorithm using ECDSA (Digital Elliptic Motion Sign Algorithm) with a secp256k1 curve for state-private cryptography. Private key 256 bit random data.

The HETA address associated with this private key is the last 160-bit public key SHA3-256 hash (keccak)

Heta - Protocol Multizept Platform 

In order to communicate between the personal chain and the main system in the Heta blockchain system, a Bride protocol has been provided which helps the personal chain to collect your data in the main chain for verification. Each personal network must pay the fee for using Hetacoin. Personal networks can make payments with multiple Heta coins to control transactions. The price can be adjusted depending on the big usage.

Investments and future development of blockchain technology 

The hetachain fund has committed to invest funds targeting the growth and development of hetachain-the future blockchain 3.0 technology.

Global Coverage Hetachain invests in businesses and people who create service products that will be at the forefront of the generation of transformation technologies around the world 

Like Education-hetachain leverages the experience and knowledge in blockchain technology through direct work with portfolio companies to reach your full potential. 

A partnership is a strategic relationship developed by Hetachain with business leaders around the world to give start-ups in all markets the opportunity to work directly with local investors.

Benefits of hetachain 3.0 Blockchain Network 

Flexible- Performs the freezing and restoring of bribery applications with generalized permissions based on roles. 

Usable is a blockchain 3.0 platform that has very high and measurable performance and uses ecosystems that make blockchain networks more valuable and useful. 

Scalability-already supports thousands of dapps (distributed applications) with a commercial interblock-scal connection that shares authentication and execution. 

Optimization is a 3.0 blockchain platform that has a very high measurement performance and use of ecosystems that make blockchain networks more valuable and useful.

About Hetacoin-Heta 

Hetacoin is hetachain inner cryptocurrency, which is used in the network Mainchain. Hetacoin is used as a tool to pay for the use of het block service.

When a user makes a transaction by exchanging coins or tokens made by Heta, he has to pay hetacoib for a predefined mount. Also called transaction costs. It is a mandatory fee that makes Hetacoin have a real value to the system. It can also prevent traders from flooding the network with unlimited microtransactions.

When a user participates in a consensus or validation process of Mainchain and Private Chain, he must be rewarded with a particular hetacoin. This is also referred to as a reward for users. In terms of the level of consensus estimation, it must depend on how much effort participants put into implementing the process.

For more information, please visit:

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018

SRT project, it’s good to read reviews

If you are interested in joining the SRT project, it’s good to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, because it’s important to understand accuracy in reviews so you don’t hesitate in investing.

Smart Refinery TechnologiesGroup, the developer of innovative technical solutions and equipment for the production of automobile fuels is creating the world’s first blockchain platform for the oil refining industry. Smart Refinery Technologies is an all-up business process support platform, from production to selling fuel to consumers: Eco-friendly EURO-5 class fuel production management based on manufacturing modules of SRT Group. Trading based on decentralised fuel exchange with smart contracts-based payments. Pay fuel with cryptocurrency — fuel cards with cryptocurrency wallets integration gives an opportunity to pay fuel at petrol stations with cryptocurrency.

About SRT :

Smart Refinery TechnologiesGroup, the developer of innovative technical solutions and equipment for the production of automobile fuels is creating the world’s first blockchain platform for the oil refining industry.

Project goal: revolutionary technology services launching in the global fuel market, size of which is more than $ 5 trillion US dollars. Services will be based on blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

Smart Refinery Technologies is an all-up business process support platform, from production to selling fuel to consumers:

Eco-friendly EURO-5 class fuel production management based on manufacturing modules of SRT Group. Trading based on decentralised fuel exchange with smart contracts-based payments. Pay fuel with cryptocurrency — fuel cards with cryptocurrency wallets integration gives an opportunity to pay fuel at petrol stations with cryptocurrency.

Platform advantages:

Fuel exchange and production business processes automation based on blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies Integration with industrial protocols of IIoT for ma complexes, logistics depots, payment terminals. P2P payments and smart-contracts support. High speed of transactions and a possibility to process more than 100,000 transactions per second. Low commissions — now more that $0,001 for transaction. Fuel trading convenient instrument for small and medium-sized businesses.

Project tokens: SRT-Coin — utility-token platform is a standard for trade commissions payments, royalties and payments for transactions within the network. The ERC-20 token standard will allow to use the existing Ethereum network infrastructure for storing tokens and conducting transactions. The issue of tokens is limited — 100.000.000 SRT-Coin. “Payment for commissions” tokens burning program will be implemented.

Team SRT consists of professionals: in the field of scientific research, blockchain developers, oil market experts. In SRT team there are 2 current professors, 4 doctors and Ph.D., professional managers with experience in world TOP-10 oil companies. The global increase in demand for fuel exceeds 5,000,000 tons annually. The market craves for innovative solutions to meet this demand. Join the blockchain revolution in the fuel business!

Using SRT-coin tokens:

SRT-coin token is a utility token, which will be used in the operation of the blockchain platform of managing license payments of oil refineries, as well as in other ways described below:

Payment of license fees in the SRT platform
Companies wishing to become production partners of the platform and receive SRT Group’s refinery equipment for lease on favorable terms should be holders of at least 10,000 SRT-coin Tokens. All production partners that are small tonnage oil refineries, will receive SRT Group equipment on long-term lease conditions with an obligation to pay royalties for the volumes of actually processed raw materials. Thus, greater the number of oil refineries connected to the platform, and greater the volume of raw materials processed, resulting in larger amounts of license fees collected. Payments under the license agreement will be denominated in a fiat currency depending on the provisions of local legislation. In most cases the US dollar will be used as the accounting currency. SRT Group Company will include into the license agreement a condition that, in case of payment of license fees using SRT-coin tokens, a discount of 20% from the sum of payment will be provided. This condition will be a direct economic incentive for participants to use tokens and purchase them for settlements of the accounts inside of Platform. At the same time, the amount of SRT-coin for the payment will be determined based on the current market price at the payment time, which in turn will be determined based on information about the purchase / sale transactions of SRT-coin on cryptocurrency exchanges or similar public trading platforms. If the local legislation will not allow oil processing companies to make payments via SRT-Coin, they will be able to deliver royalty payments in fiat currency, to the payment and license Agents, accredited in the system, whereas those registered in areas, where crypto-currencies can be officially used as a means of payment, or such payments are not prohibited by local legislation, will pay in SRT-Coins.

Payments for lease of equipment and other SRT Group services
Participants of the platform will be offered mechanisms for paying lease of production equipment and related services (engineering, start-up and commissioning of equipment, replacement (renewal) of catalysts in the production process, laboratory services and services of developing optimal technological regimes depending on the type and cost of raw materials and finished products in order to maximize profits of oil refineries).
Possibility of purchasing the goods and services of the platform participants
The participants of the SRT blockchain platform, which may be, including but not limited to oil refineries, oil producing companies, petroleum products traders, logistics companies, filling stations, etc. can accept SRT Coin as payment for their goods and services. Each of the participants independently takes a decision about this, based on their own interests and goals. The SRT-coin platform will provide the appropriate functionality for settlement of the accounts and creation of smart contracts.
The possibility of supporting the development of blockchain community and participation in the development of SRT blockchain platform.
The participants of the SRT platform can, using any means that are not prohibited by the law, support non-commercial, research initiatives and projects using the SRT-coin Tokens belonging to them, in order to develop the SRT blockchain platform, as well as to solve the topical problems of implementing the blockchain Technologies in the business processes of manufacturing companies and service providers.
The possibility to use SRT-coin Tokens to support charity, research and other socially useful projects.

The participants of the SRTplatform can support any charity, research and other socially useful projects by any means, not prohibited by law, including charitable donations of the SRT-coin Tokens to specialized funds.
Economic and legal framework of SRT-COIN tokens
Tokens provide the right to receive discounts, when paying license fees (royalties), from licensed production of fuel using SRT Technologies. Tokens provide the right to realize the license rights on a certain territory, for all intellectual property objects of the issuing company, including those that were by any means acquired by SRT before the ICO (with fulfillment of certain additional conditions of license agreement), as well as of other companies participating in the platform…

Payment structure of SRT:

Smaller refineries in the network will pay royalties to the SRT Group for every ton of processed oil. All calculations to be made and recorded in the blockchain will automatically enhance the transparency and reliability of the platform. Royalties may be paid in cash or SRT coins.

Payment by Token allows 20% discount on payment amount. This discount will act as an incentive for investors to use the card rather than the money on the platform. SRT will continuously reduce the number of Token in circulation. 80% Tokens coming as royalties will be removed from circulation by culling leaving less total Token during the day. SRT prices will be adjusted according to the market depending on the demand and supply based on the results of the stock exchange involving the purchase and sale of Token to ensure a reasonable price. This Token price stability will ensure a steady, stable demand for them.

Author (Ar rahman)
Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1977525

Nortonchain Cryptocurrency is used as revolutionary digital money in the Nortonchain ecosystem

The Blockchain is a rapidly growing technology that is engulfing every possible business domain. Therefore, many reports published have predicted a huge rise in the Blockchain market. According to reports, the Blockchain market is expected to extend to over 20 billion dollars by 2024. It is counted in one of the most promising new technologies that are hoped to change the future of businesses and the internet.

Basically the rise of cryptocurrency and subsequent attention brought to blockchain technology has prompted nearly every industry to evaluate the benefits of integrating the technology into their operations. One such firm at the forefront of blockchain innovation is NORTONCHAIN

You may be contemplating on the crypto coin that will be best for your investment. You might have even found yourself investing in one of these Cryptos but you did not gain your profit as you expected because, some developers, after hitting their target and making a huge sum of money, dropped the project, and left investors in the middle of no where. All hopes are not gone. Lets start a new page in you new or next journey to investment for profitable earnings. I will be introducing you to NORTONCHAIN which is an improved technology in the revolution of blockchains. A distributed ledger with the sole aim of executing free transactions and giving high level of security to all users.


Nortonchain is an improved technology in the revolution of blockchains. A distributed ledger with the sole aim of executing free transactions and giving high level of security to all users.

NORTONCHAIN ​​is an open source distributed ledger designed to solve the problems of existing blockchains. NORTON technological chain for the confirmation of transactions by miners, which leads to the high cost of transaction costs and delays in the delivery of funds when they are transferred from one account to another portfolio or get rid of it.

NORTONCHAIN ​​is an improved technology in the blockchain revolution. The technology is built with built-in artificial intelligence. This mechanism helps all the transactions that are carried out in the network, just as the miners support the transactions in the chain of Bitcoin blocks that will be confirmed. However, this is designed to work as equals and does not require miners.

The technology is simple but powerful enough for developers at any level of programming in any industry to develop independently without limitations or limitations, but it offers an additional benefit since NORTONCHAIN ​​modules are open source for all developers.

NORTONCHAIN ​​has its own prestigious currency called Norton Coin (NRT). However, NORTONCHAIN ​​is in its alpha state and is represented by Norton Token, which is based on the Ethereum platform to fulfill its function as a digital currency. If NORTONCHAIN ​​is fully developed, there will be an exchange of coins from Norton Token to Norton Coin, which will be built in NORTONCHAIN. This would have completely fulfilled all the NORTONCHAIN ​​objectives achieved through the use of its own cryptocurrency.

In addition, these fees often become so high, according to the trader, that micro payments are not taken into account. At this time, you can not transfer Bitcointalk worth $ 3 of a replacement. Because the rate would be about $ 4. That’s not sensible at all.

Mobility micropayments so much, they can not pay for a pen that I bought because I have to pay an extra if I have to use Bitcoin for payment.


The aim of NORTONCHAIN is to have different platforms built on it with ease, and to have them related to one another for a better ecosystem

Nortonchain serves a major purpose of being an ecosystem which embodies other independent Platforms. Nortonchain Technology is built to go miles further from the existing peers. Now, with the Power of Nortonchain Developers of different industries having minimum level of programming now have the leverage of creating and building new problem solving projects and also having the flexibility of using the added super amazing features of Nortonchain Technology. It allows for the customization and configuration of the intended new platform to be built giving them ultra-speed, tight security, simplicity, zero fees transaction and more. On Nortonchain, developers do not have to border about coding their independent Platforms. The built in AI system is programmed to execute task of all kinds through a few lines of commands issued to it through code snippets or voice commands.


NORTONCHAIN makes accessible ground-breaking designer's units to have any noetic conception composed into authenticity inside most brief conceivable time with the most reduced information. NORTONCHAIN innovation is a malleable, secure and facile to utilize dais for designers of any caliber of programming to manufacture onto, Platforms that fit into the business wanted. With the accessibility of NORTONCHAIN contrivances and advancement packs, engineers are ascertained ground-breaking, rudimental and opportune amendment of their autonomous stages. NORTONCHAIN's guide stop, guidelines furthermore, rules are given for the fitting utilization of the units and utilize cases so to give clients best client encounter.

The Norton Exchange Application

NORTON EXCHANGE with the many astonishing highlights is likewise accessible in the application frame. Tests of the application interface are appeared beneath for Android and iOS contrivances.

Advantages of Nortonchain

High Security

Nortonchain's AI is focused on building algorithms which are capable of working with (processing, or operating with) data while it is still in an encrypted state. As any part of a process data which involves exposing unencrypted data represents a security risk, reducing these incidents is the goal of Nortonchain.

Speed Of Transactions

Nortonchain Cryptocurrency is used as revolutionary digital money in the Nortonchain ecosystem. It is represented by the symbol NRT. Nortoncoin is fast and can handle over 2000 transactions per second, making it the fastest and best payment cryptocurrency.

Conditional Payments

Nortonchain adopts the smart contract concept when the certain features are met. Both reach agreement before payment.


NortonChain Atomic Swap

Norton Coin has a special wallet built with the implementation of BIP65 to enable it conduct atomic swaps.

ATOMIC SWAP or ATOMIC CROSS-CHAIN is the exchanging of two cryptocurrencies between two different parties without the need of a trusted third party


NORTON EXCHANGE combines various major sections that allow users to make a coin conversion request, find a suitable match and complete the trade using an atomic cross-chain protocol. Additionally, there is a privacy layer in the order matching so that two nodes can do a peer-to-peer atomic swap without any direct IP contact between them

NortonBot Chat System with AI

NortonBot powered by AI is set to relate and communicate with users so to give better usage and deployment on the Nortonchain platform. This bot is completely powered by AI, this makes it very smart and fast in other to relate with users most efficiently.


Nortoncoin is used as revolutionary digital money in the our ecosystem. This is represented by the symbol NRT. Nortoncoin is fast and can handle over 2000 transactions per second, making it the fastest and best payment cryptocurrency. The NRT is used on NORTONCHAIN for payments and transactions.

Token Details

Ticker: NRT

Protocol: ERC20

Accepted currency: ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC

Total tokens amount: 250,000,000 NRT

Minimum Payment on Presale/Token: 200 USD

Soft Cap on Pre-Sale: 5,000,000 USD

Bonus: 40%

Softcap: 5,000,000 USD

Restricted countries: USA

Token Allocation

50% Token sale

10% Airdrop

15% Selfdrop

5% Bounty

8% Reserve fund

2% Partner

5% Team

5% Advisors

Funding Allocation

60% Development

20% Marketing

10% Operations

8% Partnership

2% Legal


Q3 2017 (JULY-SEPT)

Nortonchain Idea Team Development!

Q4 2017 (OCT-DEC)


Q1 2018 (JAN-MARCH)

Meeting With Partners, Website Review For Upgrade

Q2 2018 (APRIL-JUNE)

First Airdrop, Website Upgrade, Voting for listing on External Exchange

Q2 2019 (APRIL-JUNE)

Debit Card Release Listing On More External Exchange

Q1 2019 (JAN-MARCH)

Listing of Third Party ICO'S, NORTONCHAIN (Alpha Version)

Q3 2018 (OCT-DEC)

Last Rounds of Public Sales, Norton Exchange, Web Wallet Development, Second Airdrop, NRT Token Launch on Exchange, Implementation of AI modules on Norton Exchange, Annual Event

Q3 2018 (JULY-SEPT)

NortonBot, Listing on more External Exchange, Pre-Sale, Public Sale, Conference With Developers

Q3 2019 (JULY-SEPT)

NORTONCHAIN (beta version) Norton Explorer

Q4 2019 (OCT-DEC)

NORTONCHAIN [Operational] Norton Decentralized ,Exchange Android, iOS, and Desktop Wallet Development Annual Event and More to come!


SAMUEL Strong: Founder/CEO

JOHN Lucky: Senior Blockchain Developer

DADAPIR Galgale: Marketing Manager

U'DEMI Sol: Software Developer

GURPREET Chauhan: Marketing & Exchange Advisor

LALIT: Legal Advisor

YUESHUYA Iesus: Developer

JESSY Kings: Graphics/Developer

LUCKY Uwakwe: Platform Development Advisor

EDUARDO Costa: Fundraising & Investment Advisor

TANNER Eastman: Community & Project Manager

For more information, please visit the links i have provided below;

Author (Ar rahman) 

Jumat, 21 September 2018

Neogame was compiled in the form of an intelligent contract Ethereum

Brief description of the project
This project is aimed at changing the principles of gambling in the whole industry. The gambling business has always been based on the "dog-edge" - the principle that casinos or organizers always have an advantage. Blockchain With the advent of technology, there is no longer need for organizers - people can gamble without intermediaries and claim their winnings without paying komisi.Dengan Neogame is launched, we started this process of transformation and believe that over time, much of the global gambling industry games will take non-commercial models. The Neogame project stands in contrast to traditional lotteries, and we want to show the world how a blockchain can be a game changer.

The traditional lottery has a very simple organization. The lottery house sells tickets and allocates about half of the revenue to the prize fund, the second half goes to the host. This number may be more or less than half, but you can be sure that
Traditional lotteries are a game with negative hope. On the other hand, Neoogames are completely different games. This project makes lottery and stand-alone drawings, is able to work continuously and achieve full transparency through the Ethereum block chain, which will allocate all funds for the last penny, using a clear algorithm written in a lottery smart contract.

Neogame is a lottery without a host. He does not have a third-party owner or recipient. Once the project is launched, the team will lose control of the lottery, and the project will not start working as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), is governed by the contract and the team owners of pintar.Baik tokens will be able to do this affects the algorithm or draw results, and neither one third party will be entitled to receive dividends in the amount of not permainan.Neogame to make a profit, and therefore, the advantages of the marker holders will depend only on the rising value of the tokens that is rotated into the logic of the pr One.

-Thinny Token growth - for a better understanding of why tokens should grow in value. 

Ethical mission

Organizing and investing in gambling can come with ethical problems tertentu.Bukan the secret that many players become addicted to gambling, social consequences that could perhaps be compared with drug addiction or gambling online alkohol.Perkembangan exacerbates the problem, because the game becomes easier diakses.Penjudi that addiction can spend more time on the game, and in the comfort of their own home. This obsessive advertising and customer service provided by the casino operator confused him from addiction, and also strive to constantly attract the player back to the game task. According to the National Council for Gambling, 1% of the US population suffers from pathological dependence on gambling, and up to 3% can be said to be a gamer problem.

The problem of gamers is the main source of money in the industry, and this will continue as long as gambling remains a profitable business. Non-profit projects to create gambling in notebooks will be
They can gradually suppress operators who are guided by profit from the market. After the gaming industry moves to a decentralized non-profit model, the game will become more humane-if the game does not make money, no party operator is interested in dealing with dependent players.

Because of the simplicity and high profitability of business lotteries in many countries, this industry is monopolized by the state without alternative operator access.

Market size
According to the World Lottery Association, annual sales in the lottery business exceed $ 280 billion and continue to grow every year. According to TechNavio, market growth (CAGR) from 2017 to 2021 is estimated at 9% in tahun.Lotere is a huge industry that includes one-third of the world's gambling business. The lottery market is massive and stable, not subject to major changes for many years.

Who's playing?
Most often, lottery players are low-income families from rich countries. For example , families with low incomes in the US spent up to 9% of their income on lottery tickets. About 60% of people over the age of 18 (90 million people) play the lottery in the US, and up to 20% do it on a regular basis, spending up to $ 50 billion - $ 160 for an individual - every year.

A typical business model
Lottery markets are in no hurry to go online, and lottery games are dominant, while new online projects have only a small part of the market. A traditional lottery with a very large house for home with about 50% of ticket sales still holds the bulk of the market. in combination with the new opportunities offered, create favorable conditions for launching a new, non-commercial gambling project.

Specification of the token
The lottery will use its own crypto currency - Ticket Token (TKT), which is based on the Ethereum block chain.
Ticket Tokens are utility tokens that have the following 3 functions:
1) Lottery tickets. The player buys tokens, selects a digital combination through a decentralized application, and sends the tokens to a lottery smart contract.
2) Assets included in the prize fund. The prize pool consists of ticket tokens, and all prizes are nominated in TKT. The prize pool is very easy to change, as much as the token itself does, which allows you to scale the size of the jackpot as a marker of price increases.
3) Cryptanalysis, which can be traded with predictable fluctuations in the exchange rate. TKT will be registered with the exchange of crypto-currencies, and its value is expected to become volatile and will be subject to the monitored effects of the token growth factor.

Tokens TKT are manufactured according to the ERC20 standard and are compatible with wallets that support Ethereum-based markers. This allows the project to run smoothly and endlessly on the Ethereum block chain, without relying on other external factors.

There will be limited emissions of 500 million tokens. Smart contracts do not allow additional
ejection tokens in the future.

sale of tokens (80%) 400 million
team (10%) 50 million
Advisor (5%) 25 million
generosity and air drop (5%) 25 million

The driver of the cycle
The cyclic drive is associated with the character of the lottery, which shows a regular cycle between winning jackpots, which affects the behavior of consumers. These drivers work synergistically to increase the cycle of fluctuations in exchange rate exchange rates. The growth of periodic jackpots. This factor is common to all lotteries: increasing the prizes between the winning jackpot increases the demand for lottery tickets. With Neogame, requests for lottery tickets and prices for tokens will grow at the same time. Reducing the number of tokens for free circulation. In the standard lottery there is an unlimited number of tickets. However, in Neogame the number of tokens is limited by the initial volume of radiation. The more tokens in the prize pool, the fewer tickets remain in free circulation.

Permanent driver 
Increase the number of players. Given the limited stock of tokens, the increase in players should positively affect the value of TKT. The concept of a non-commercial lottery has a number of advantages for players, so we expect that other lottery players will switch to Neogame and increase tokens, as information about the distribution of Neogame in the media and word of mouth

Answer to the driver.
It is expected that a significant difference between the TKT tokens and most of the existing crypto-currency TKTs will be widely used by the system itself. For example, the main functional purpose of Ether is to pay for transactions and services in Ethereum networks. Over the past year, less than 1% of the published Ethers were used for their intended purpose, which is enough to increase the Crypto currency both as a currency and as an investment asset.

With Neogame, most tokens, starting with the first game, will be redeemed by the lottery to create a prize pool, where they remain until someone reaches the jackpot. Google - a game with limited resources and significant changes in its availability in the market. Therefore, their vulnerability to the impact of driver growth must be very high, and it is expected that the exchange rate fluctuations of tokens will also be high.

Neogame was compiled in the form of an intelligent contract Ethereum. The terms of the smart contract establish a lottery algorithm, protected by the block chain Ethereum, and there is no future change. Blockchain provides the maximum possible cryptographic protection for today. To crack the block chain, you need to have resources that exceed half the throughput of the entire Ethereum network, which is supported by millions of miners around the world. There are no people or organizations from these resources, and therefore, it is possible to hack the blockage theoretically only.

Decentralized organization
Neogame is not subject to jurisdiction. This project is not a commercial company, has no owner, does not carry out economic activities and does not take profit. Neogame is regulated without control, and all transactions are based on rules and algorithms that are implemented in intellectual contracts

No jurisdiction
Neogame operates as an autonomous decentralized organization (DAO). This legal status of the organization is not regulated by most laws and regulations, although a number of similar projects successfully operate on the crypto-currency market.

There is no economic activity
Neogame is not a company and will not engage in any economic activity. The attraction of profit and the use of opportunities for business are not the goal of the project and are not natural.

No guide
Decentralized organizations operate without human intervention. Neogame's clever contract is a complete and independent mechanism that is able to accept bets, make lottery prizes and pay gift vouchers in accordance with the algorithm.

No guide
Decentralized organizations operate without human intervention. Neogame's clever contract is a complete and independent mechanism that is able to accept bets, make lottery prizes and pay gift vouchers in accordance with the algorithm.

Rabu, 12 September 2018

weiDex has experienced technical teams to handle blockchain tokens

Image result for weidex ico image

weiDex is a new player in Decentralized Exchange (DEX) that protects your privacy. Personally, I believe this exchange will be the game changer because you don't need to use your name, email and other credential information to register. This decentralized exchange relies on smart contract logic to process all logic. So, no third party involved because this idea what makes weiDex different. Therefore, only users have liability to control over their assets to avoid any human mistakes possible.

Using the best and user-friendly weiDex exchange, you can make live Multiple Orders Fulfillment that charges you with just one transaction! You can find no other decentralized exchange that offers this feature. It is extremely important if you are a heavy trader to manage all your transactions easily. This innovative feature helps you to avoid expensive cost and long time consuming transactions.

weiDex has experienced technical teams to handle blockchain tokens to get listed faster within 24 hours after submitting request. After paying listing token fee, weiDEX will also provide an airdrop of your fresh new tokens for their loyal costumers. weiDex supports all Ethereum based tokens and fortunately they will also support NEO based tokens by the end of the year.

Now, let's take a look at weiDex user interface.

weiDex has developed a working platform that enables users to feel a great experience. The developers are working hard to create a successful user-centered design encompassing the principle of human-computer interaction (HCI) and providing the exact needs of the customers. It doesn't stop there. weiDex will keep providing simplicity and elegance that produce product to meet customers needs effectively.

Furthermore, you can also use weiDex for initial token distribution following your own rules. The platform can list and distribute it which is more cost-saving and time-saving . This beautiful feature will make crowdsale contract possible to get replaced by exchange service thereby giving you the opportunity to make any bounty programs with their built-in referral system.

weiDex is a fully featured decentralized exchange with a lot of advantages over centralized exchange. Most of them undeniably are about security, privacy, availability, and transparency.

Competing with other decentralized exchanges, weiDex has powerful advantages that you should consider about.

1. Referral System Program
2. Low Fees
3. Multiple Order Fullfilment
4. Tokens Airdrop
5. Cross-Chain Transactions

Are you interested to learn more about weiDex and participate in the crowdsale? Please, take a look at the token specification below.

Token Name: weiDex
Token Symbol: WDX
Token Supply: 50 M WDX
Token Type: ERC827 (extended ERC20)
Token Decimal: 18


Team & Advisors


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Selasa, 07 Agustus 2018

INGOT intends to provide participants with the skills and knowledge needed to develop block-chain

Image result for ingot ico image

Blockchain is the technology of all the Internet's angered. Many consider it to be a new word, but this is a new breakthrough in the field of electronic technology, which is affecting not only financial activity, but also many other areas. This is a distributed database that is not affiliated to a shared server, ie, no centralization. They contain information, a link, and a timestamp into the next block. The encryption used in the block allows the user to change the branch of the chain. All this happens with the use of special buttons, their lack of editing and banning notes. The security of all circuits is provided through a centralized server that generates blocks and peer-to-peer network connections. The entire process, It has an automated system that leads to the formation of a database without a central body. Anyone using cryptographic keys may, if any, access the file from anywhere in the world.

The modern world gradually transforms technology, many companies, banks, corporations, and conducts their business on a non-centralized network. The importance of this process lets you get rid of interrupted relationships such as the relocation of material values, intermediate means. This is very affordable and important for traditional financial markets because they are the largest in the world in terms of capitalization. 
I present your attention to the INGOT Ecosystem project. This project has extensive experience in the financial sector since 1993. This ecosystem is a combination of crypto-currency and financial markets using Blockchain technology. Its application will also exist in banks, brokerage companies and other financial activities and will allow diversifying funds at any time.
By using Smart Agreements, INGOT will exclude any intermediary in transactions, payments and transactions, but will be transparent and non-reliable.

Existing problems
• Lack of contact between traditional financial and crypto currency markets. 
• High Commissions (sold bank and brokerage fees). 
Lack of confidence in crypto-currency markets. 
Many of these problems are forced to abandon the advantageous investment opportunities. 
The INGOT Ecosystem offers a comprehensive solution to these problems. For this purpose 6 main modules have been developed. See more 

• IC Wallet: The basics of the multi-system system purse intended for sending, receiving, and storing digital assets. It will integrate into a digital bank, which will allow you to securely exchange or purchase crypto currency for cash. It has several levels of protection and hacking attempts. 
• IC Exchange : A full-fledged exchange with the top and recently issued ICO symbol. 
• IC Brokerage : A Liquidity Center providing access to all financial products. This service includes shares, metals, currencies and other world assets. In one section with the above modules, HR Brokerage offers hundreds of options for trading when the market is indefinite. This is additional diversification.
• IC Digital Bank : This service automates payment processing using web services. This simplifies the work of two high IC Brokerage and IC Exchange modules. Serves to work with electronic payments. 
• IC Crypto Certifier : Develops training for all incoming, blocking, cryptography, IT-consulting and other educational services. After graduating the graduates receive certificates in accordance with the various standards of the world's leading leaders. 
• IC ICO Accelerator: Helps get started with the start. Advertising, helping to create Whitepaper, funding aid, documents, all the services you need for ICO. The IC ICO Accelerator will also put money on the stock market at its start. 


• Security : A verification program will be provided to ensure the safety of users, a time consuming process for most. This is done to avoid multiple accounts, for the security and transparency of the system. 
• Versatility : Using a platform somewhere, traders will be able to access different exchanges. This is very convenient, allowing you to add additional commissions and their differences. 
• High liquidity: Trading history will be registered and potential customers will be reviewed. The availability of information creates confidence in the platform, and this is the flow of new customers. 
• Multiple currency exchanges : trading with various crypto-currency, as well as other assets of traditional markets such as NYSE, NASDAQ, EURONEX and so on. "Fiat" couples and Fiat / Fiat pairs, for example, trading opportunities using USD / EUR. 
• Risks Reduction : INGOT will provide a lower commission, provide indexes and technical analysis of various financial products, including commodities. With an experienced team, users will be offered the best investment options right now. 
• Debit card: Provides payment or repayment for a card account, a crypto currency, and a fiat money. Its use is possible both on the platform and in everyday life.


Platform has also been developed with the INGOT COIN (IC) token that meets the needs of beginners and experienced traders. However, beginners in this area can start with minimum capital. Trade is planned in different exchanges and provides fair and equal conditions, regardless of trade volume and seed capital. After one of the most important issues is getting a solid capitalization, the INGOT trademark owners receive dividends. This point now draws attention to the maintenance of long-term tokens. Using the payment methods inside the platform, it reduces the user's discount to 5-50%. 

Name: INGOT Community Coin 
Tag: ICC 
Total Number: 120,000,000 ICC 
Soft cap: $ 37,000,000
Hard cap: $ 90 million 
Start of ICO: July 1 
end of ICO: August 11 
Cost of one icon: 1 ICC = 1 $ 


Q3: 2017: 

Explore the current financial sector threats. Identifying the problems of ineffective management, which is not transparent, raises the limits of fundraising and liquidity.

Q4 2017:

Analysis of the extensive use of block chain technology

Working too hard to find a unique solution will provide a complete solution for all financial sector stakeholders.

Q1 2018: 

Business Model and Financial Feasibility Study

Complete a fully integrated business model that integrates digital banking solutions, electronic wallet, brokerage and exchange functions, and provides encryption certificates and ICO acceleration capabilities.

Q2 2018: 

Analysis of mechanisms to provide a complete ecosystem for the implementation of all regulatory, stakeholder and market participants in the financial sector.

Released bounty program

A detailed bonus program has been launched to raise awareness of this innovative ecosystem from multiple media.

Q3 2018:

ICs can be sold for a limited time.

Q4 2014: 

IC Wallet Live

Wallets with the highest security standards provide fast and smooth delivery services. This wallet can hold a variety of content from currency to currency before encryption with existing assets.

Q2 2019:

IC Digital Bank is open to business.

A fully licensed bank will provide a variety of financial services such as current account, electronic payment, fund management and parenting tax.

Q3 2019:

Complete ecosystem components

INGOT completes the solution for all market participants by adding the following integrated components:

IC brokers

We offer a wide range of financial products, including currency currencies, stocks, bonds, commodities and ETFs, while maintaining high liquidity and efficiency.

IC trading and IC liquidity pool

The IC owner not only has the opportunity to list new ICO coins on the IC Exchange, but also has the opportunity to trade encrypted currencies. Electronic money transactions are against other currencies, currency currencies and traditional financial instruments with liquidity in liquidity.

IC password authenticator

INGOT intends to provide participants with the skills and knowledge needed to develop block-chain technology, understand the cryptographic market, and be globally recognized.

IC ICO Accelerator

Provide a one-stop shop where entrepreneurs can unveil ICO to finance in a non-traditional way. These components provide legal services, marketing, finance, public relations and other services to increase the success of potential ICO.

Q4 2019:

INGOT proclaims second ICO round to raise money for digital deals

Q1 2020:

Planning digital goods INGOT.

A safe and modern user-friendly exchange platform provides a variety of solutions and methods to facilitate the merchandising transaction process.

Q2 2020:

Digital commodity exchange release

Demonstrate a smart contract solution to increase traceability and reliability in physical transactions of items such as wheat, corn, soybeans or other agricultural products.



My idea of ​​the project has developed in a positive light. The platform is really good and solves many existing problems. The "all in one place" project, such as IGNOT, is of great importance and requires implementation and implementation. This is an excellent tool for beginners and experienced people in the crypto-currency world. 


Author (Ar rahman)
ETH: 0x8F64467dBc48e2864c2d8E11C26df75bD0040CDD